Counseling for Trauma in Oakland, CA

Reembody and Reconnect to Your Vitality

You are so much more than what has happened to you.

Navigating the tumultuous waters of complex trauma can leave you feeling like a solitary voyager, oscillating between overwhelming emotions and numbness. The relentless struggle to find joy and connection leaves you adrift, yearning for a shore where you can anchor your exhausted soul.

You've tried to tame the tempest within, but your body seems stuck in perpetual survival mode

It's easy to feel like you're unraveling, as though your emotions are the puppeteer pulling your strings.

Trauma thrives on secrets. You are taught that you are the problem and cannot trust yourself because your reality is suppressed to protect the people harming you.

In an abusive family or relationship, you are punished emotionally, verbally, or physically for expressing needs and emotions.

You often feel like something is wrong with you for being human and reacting to mistreatment.

You learn that safety and survival are related to emotional suppression and meeting others' needs instead of your own.

When you experience trauma, your body and mind respond by doing what they should do in moments of danger: Keep you safe.

After these experiences, your system can be in threat detection overdrive, making it difficult to relax, trust yourself, and build healthy relationships.

Healing from trauma is reclaiming your power and rebuilding trust in yourself.

Somatic trauma therapy offers a sanctuary amidst the chaos, a path to reclaiming control over your emotions and rediscovering equilibrium in your life.

You're not alone in navigating these treacherous waters. The echoes of childhood trauma, whether from overt abuse or the slow erosion of emotional neglect no longer have to define your present experience.

When trauma goes unprocessed, your body and nervous system hold past experiences that cloud your present emotional and mental state.

But there is hope on the horizon. We can chart a course towards healing, untangling the threads of past trauma, and liberating your mind and body from their grip. 

As a somatic therapist, I offer a holistic approach, addressing how trauma manifests in your mind, body, and spirit.

I work with you to find balance in your nervous system through breath, movement, and somatic practices to create safety within your body.

Once safety has been established, I work with you to process the emotional residue of the traumatic experiences held in the body.

Together, we'll rewrite the narratives that have shaped your perception of yourself and the world, clearing space for newfound peace and connection.

As you find balance within your nervous system and reconcile with your past, you'll emerge emboldened, ready to navigate life's currents with newfound courage and clarity.

No longer shackled by fear, you'll reclaim your voice and embrace a life free from the tyranny of unchecked emotions. With each step forward, you'll forge deeper connections and discover a path to authentic freedom.

The journey may be daunting, but you don’t have to face it alone. If you're ready to take that first step towards reclaiming your autonomy, I am here to guide you through the storm.

Schedule your free consultation today!

Tune into Your Body: Get ready to rediscover your body's wisdom. Somatic therapy helps you become more aware of those physical sensations you've been ignoring. It's like having a secret decoder for your stress and trauma signals.

Release the Weight of Trauma: Your body holds onto more than just tension; it harbors the echoes of past traumas. Somatic therapy techniques gently coax out those buried emotions, leaving you feeling lighter and more at ease.

Take Back Control: No more being a doormat. Somatic therapy empowers you to set boundaries and say "no" without the guilt trip. It's time to reclaim your agency and put yourself first for a change.

Connect the Dots: Ever feel like your head and heart are on different planets? Somatic therapy bridges that gap, helping you integrate your thoughts, feelings, and bodily sensations into one cohesive experience.

Bounce Back Stronger: Life's challenges won't knock you down as easily once you've got somatic therapy in your toolkit. You'll learn resilience-building techniques to weather any storm with grace and poise.

Express Yourself Authentically: Say goodbye to bottling up your emotions. Somatic therapy encourages you to let loose and express yourself through movement, voice, and creativity. It's time to show the world the real you.

Regulate Your Emotions: No more emotional roller coasters. Somatic therapy teaches you how to navigate your feelings with finesse, so you can stay grounded even when the world feels chaotic.

Rediscover Joy: Life's too short to be all work and no play. Somatic therapy helps you reconnect with the simple pleasures in life, reminding you that joy is just a breath away.

I would be honored to walk alongside you on this transformative voyage. Please reach out below to schedule a free consultation.

Benefits of Trauma Therapy