Therapy for Highly Sensitive People in Oakland, CA

Embrace Your Sensitivity as a Gift

Sensitivity Isn’t a Bad Word.

Are you tired of constantly prioritizing others' needs over your own?

As a highly sensitive person, you understand the weight of absorbing the emotions of those around you. You're an idealist, striving for authenticity and harmony, yet find yourself overwhelmed by the chaos of everyday life.

You absorb other people's feelings and are easily overwhelmed in busy and chaotic environments. You care deeply for others and often put others' needs before yours. 

It’s almost as if you are a sponge absorbing the emotions and experiences of those around you, leaving you confused about what is yours and what you hold in your body and mind for others. 

You may have tried different things to recenter yourself, but nothing seems to give you the energy you need to live your desired life. It’s difficult to identify what exactly is draining, and you have trouble differentiating your own emotions from those of others. 

Your system often feels like it is on overload:

  • You get intense waves of emotions that seem to come out of nowhere

  • You are anxious and drained after being in crowded spaces

  • You can’t tune into your emotions because you are focused on the emotions of others

  • You struggle to perform or express yourself when people are observing or watching you

It may seem impossible to raise your head above water long enough to catch your breath, but you can!

Intuition and emotional attunement are potent sources of wisdom.

You are not alone in being unsure of how to maintain your sense of self when the emotions and energy of others deeply impact you. 

Being a highly sensitive person may seem like “pseudoscience,” but scientific research backs up the idea that some people are more sensitive and intuitive than others. 

Our culture teaches us that “being sensitive” is an insult. We are taught that being sensitive means that we are weak and inferior. We have been taught that we are the problem because we can see the truth and pick up on subtle information others don’t perceive.

When you internalize the messages from our culture, you learn to distrust your sensitivity and push down important information you are picking up on. When you internalize these cultural messages, you disconnect from your inner wisdom. 

It is a gift to pick up subtle information about people's feelings, group and relational dynamics, cues when someone lies or omits information, and intuitive information about the best way to approach people or experiences.

Highly sensitive people frequently feel exhausted from absorbing the feelings of those around them, need a lot of alone time to recharge, are easily overstimulated by chaotic and busy environments, think and feel very deeply, and pick up on the energy and emotions of others around them. 

Being highly sensitive is a gift.

As a highly sensitive person, I understand that absorbing so much information at once can be overwhelming. This gift can lead to burnout, exhaustion, overgiving, and unequal relationships if not cared for properly. I want you to fully embrace your sensitivity and wisdom in your emotional and intuitive gifts.

Somatic therapy offers a pathway to reclaim your sense of self and honor your own needs. By focusing on the mind-body connection, somatic therapy empowers you to differentiate between your emotions and those you've absorbed from others. 

It provides practical tools to release pent-up energy and establish healthy boundaries, allowing you to navigate relationships with greater balance and authenticity.

My goal is to support you in learning to best care for yourself and honor your needs despite cultural conditioning to ignore them. I teach practices that help to maintain energy and vitality despite the demands of everyday life.

Once you have built self-awareness, learned tools to release energy, and set healthy boundaries that honor your needs, you can step into your power and utilize the gift of your sensitivity while maintaining your vitality.

Imagine no longer feeling drained after interactions or crowded spaces. Picture yourself confidently setting boundaries without guilt, prioritizing your well-being while still supporting others. Somatic therapy equips you with the skills to cultivate resilience and vitality, enabling you to thrive as the empathetic, self-reliant idealist you truly are.

If you are ready to find balance in your life and get control of your sensitivity, I am here to guide you on your healing journey. Schedule your free consultation today.

Self-Understanding: Somatic therapy helps you, as a highly sensitive person, gain deeper insights into your own emotions, needs, and boundaries, fostering greater self-awareness and self-acceptance.

Emotional Regulation: By focusing on your body's sensations and responses, somatic therapy teaches you practical techniques to regulate overwhelming emotions, reducing stress and anxiety.

Boundary Setting: Somatic therapy empowers you, as a self-reliant idealist, to establish and maintain healthy boundaries in relationships, enabling you to prioritize your own well-being without feeling guilty.

Authentic Expression: Through somatic techniques, you learn to express your thoughts, feelings, and needs authentically, fostering more genuine and fulfilling connections with others.

Resilience Building: Somatic therapy equips you with tools to navigate challenging situations and environments with greater resilience, reducing the risk of burnout and exhaustion.

Conflict Resolution: By honing your communication skills and enhancing body awareness, somatic therapy supports you in resolving conflicts constructively and assertively, leading to more harmonious relationships.

Stress Reduction: Somatic techniques such as deep breathing, mindfulness, and body scanning promote relaxation and stress reduction, helping you manage the demands of daily life more effectively.

Cultivating Empathy: Somatic therapy fosters a deeper understanding of others' perspectives while maintaining boundaries, allowing you to empathize without absorbing others' emotions.

Enhanced Self-Care: By prioritizing self-awareness and self-compassion, somatic therapy encourages you to practice consistent self-care routines that replenish your energy and vitality.

Personal Growth: Somatic therapy facilitates profound personal growth and transformation through the integration of mind, body, and spirit. It empowers you to live authentically and align with your true values and aspirations.

Please schedule a free 15-minute consultation below to learn more and start the journey to fine-tuning your sensitivity. 

Benefits of Somatic Therapy for

Highly Sensitive People